The Fault in Our Stars – by John Green

5 to the power of infinity STARS

A letter to John Green:

I’ve been wanting to read The Fault in Our Stars for so long now. But I was scared. I knew you were there with this piece of writing genius, but I pretended not to see you.  Our friend Sarah Hansen continuously whispered in mine and Jenny’s ear that we had to take the leap (I was game, she wasn’t). A month later you were on my kindle. That was yesterday. I thought you could stay there for a while until I got brave. Every time I looked you were there flashing your neon lights at me but I ignored you, I am sorry.

Sarah told me to sit in my bathtub whilst reading in order to prevent strenuous lugging of the buckets I would cry. So I did. I also got my blanket, a bottle of wine and some brown paper bags to minimise the unavoidable hyperventilating as well as my man size tissues.

I have to tell you that I did not move (much) in the hours it took me to read your book and my kindle did not leave me. I know this because I woke up with it still clutched in my right hand with a dent in my forehead where you landed when I fell asleep. The only time I put you down was when my tears made reading impossible.

You have made me think about courage, life, death and how I perceive the world. Even how the world perceives me. You very slowly made yourself a permanent home in my heart with the poignancy of the story of Hazel and Augustus, I hope you don’t mind that. You made something Tragic into something Beautiful through powerful writing. Wonderfully witty and sarcastic; truly heart-breaking and human.

I was reminded that books can indeed be entirely perfect, as yours was.  You showed that illness does not define a person – truly moving. There were no stereotypes and clichés rather it was inspirational and distressing in equal measure. At times your writing had me re-reading sentences because they were so beautiful, so powerful, so down-right genius.

I want to immortalize Augustus and Hazel. They were funny, intelligent, captivating, brave, cocky and self-assured, even annoying at times. I appreciated that you didn’t dress their journey up into being something it wasn’t. You made it harsh, real and believable.

My heart aches, my chest hurts from crying and I want to believe that nothing is terminal in the strictest definition of the term.

“My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.”

“That’s the thing about pain…it demands to be felt.”

John Green you are a literary genius and ‘The fault in our stars’ is absolutely flawless.


Gitte x


Filed under John Green, Reviews by Gitte

10 responses to “The Fault in Our Stars – by John Green

  1. Rach

    Wow Gitte, I’m definitely going to read this based in your review xxx

  2. I read ‘The Fault in our Stars’ about a month ago and it is seriously one of the best books I have ever read. The words turn in you and make you want to value life differently, better, than you ever thought possible. I agree with you 100% Gitte, John Green is a literary genius.

  3. I must read this. Lovely, thoughtful review!

  4. Susan

    Gitte, you naughty girl! Now I’ll have one more book in my kindle queue. How can I NOT read it, after reading your review?! 🙂

  5. Kim

    I won the book in a contest. I’ve never read it.

  6. ehanaghan

    WOW your review has me wanting to ditch my trilogy I’ve literally just started and read this right now! Definitely being added to my to-read list.

  7. patricia

    Dear Gitte,
    I typically try to steer clear of the ” life thought provoking feelings”. After reading your review all I can say is ….I am game. (and damn you woman……..) P.S. The damn you is types with allot of love and respect. did an amazing review once again thank you

  8. Julie P

    This book has been sitting on my ipad ‘to-read’ list for months but after reading your review Gitte I bumped it up and read it last night in one sitting. Holy hell…I cried and then I cried some more and I’m pretty sure a few sobs may have escaped. I had to physically put down my ipad because I couldn’t read through my human waterfall. My heart feels like it’s been stomped on and my eyes feel like someone socked me. LOL! BUT I also laughed and smiled ALOT, I fell head over heels in love with Hazel & Augustus and the magnificient characters that John Green created. What a beautiful, life altering, profound book. This is a MUST read imo and one that will resonate with me for a long time. Thank you so much for your fantastic review which gave me the push to read it.

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